That was March 2, 2000. I went for my SSC exam, for the first time (and last time ever
). That was a big step for me in my life. I was appeared in some kind of real exam which would left its’ ever lasting effect in my whole life. Actually that was not my first time public exam, as I had appeared in government scholarship exams, both primary and junior program. I was used to sit for public exams. But those were not as vast as SSC exam. Just imagine millions of students are attending the same exam in same day through out whole Bangladesh! That’s a tremendous feeling!

In our family there is tradition of giving gifts as well as blessings to the SSC candidate from the elders. Last week before the exam, our house was almost remained packed with the guests who came to visit me. And my duty was to ask them to pray for me for the upcoming exam. Some close relatives came along with sweets and cakes (pithaa). I got a huge amount of gifts, to which I didn’t get much time to pay attention (’cause exam was knocking at door). My all senses were collapsed by the exam. What a cherished memory that was!
Those days were again came back to my memory now a days because of my little sister. My sis is going to appear SSC exam this year, to be precisely on March 27. Exactly one week is remaining. And like my days, well wishers and relatives are begun to swarm our home to visit her. My sis is already in little bit panic about the exam. She is a good student but always is in tense during any kind of exam. Now she is completing her last-moment preparations.
Please pray to the Almighty for her colossal success in the upcoming SSC exam. May Allah help her in this regard.