The Fall 2007 semester of AUST came to an end with the last exam today. I am not a student anymore but still the end of the exam is a joy for me. No more early rising for the exam hall, no more invigilating, no more boring time spending. While I was a student, time passed away so quickly in the exam hall that we always wrestled with the limited time. But as an invigilator that limited time becomes endless until the final bell was rung. So for time passing I always try to observe each of the students very carefully. Some times this become fun as they do some peculiar tasks. This post is actually about those peculiar tasks of the students that I’ve observed during the whole Fall 2007 final exam.
I am not depicting any name, department or student identification number of the students, so that they can’t be recognized.
- One student always used to bring 8 pencils, 5 pens, three erasers, two rulers (scale) and two calculators. He was very much cautious about the backup!
- Another boy who has a pony-tailed hair, always wrapped his pony-tail with a rubber band when entered the hall and unwrapped it when his exam was over!
- One boy had a smiling face who was always smiling during the exam, even when he was writing in the exam scripts.
- A girl was there who did not write even the half of the whole answer scripts but stayed the hall until the last minute!
- Another boy who always took on an average 10 pages in every exam! Some times it became difficult to staple his main script along with the extra pages.
- All the students of one of the particular semester of a particular department was completely absent from the exam except for the very last day!
- Another student was always singing in a whispering voice while writing in the script!
When I sit in the exam, I feel time flying by in jet speed. Looking at the invigilators I some times feel envious, cuz they are so free from tension. Thanks to Allah the exams are over.
Once upon a time there was a student in AUST who used to bring 6pens(3 of black ink,3 of blue ink),3pencils,2 calculators(what will happen if battery of one goes down???),2 rulers(one of 6 inchs and another of 12 inchs)…………

The student was me.
If you were the invigilator of my class,then what would have u told by seeing me,i am thinking…at last these boring exams are over!