It’s Exam Time!

Well… for me it is exam time. Litterery my university exams are going on. No time for watching movie, no time for browsing, no time for blogging, no time for playing games even no time for sleeping! What a hell of life!


My exams will be continued upto first week of July. After that its summer vacation! Hope to do well in my exams, may Allah help me.

Hopefully I’ll return to my blog after my exams. I said ‘HOPEFULLY‘ because I am not into my blog as I was in past. Life becomes busy. I am humming just like a busy bee. Sometimes I asked myself – Where is my usual  happy and carefree life?

The Biggest Little Three Words

There are many things that we can do to perk up and strengthen our interpersonal relationships. Yet the most effective involves the saying of just three words. These three words can be of different forms. Those words are small in size but have immense power to brighten up your relationship. So what are those words? Just have glimpse of those words:

I’ll be there!

If you have ever had to call a friend in the middle of the night, to take a sick child to hospital or when your car has broken down some miles from home, you will know how good it feels to hear the phrase “I’ll be there.” Being there for another person is the greatest gift we can give. When we are truly present for other people, important things happen to them and us. We are renewed in love and friendship. We are restored emotionally and spiritually. Being there is at the very core of civility.

I Miss You!

Perhaps more marriages could be saved and strengthened if couples simply and sincerely said to each other “I miss you.” This powerful affirmation tells partners they are wanted, needed, desired and loved. Consider how ecstatic you would feel, if you received an unexpected phone call from your spouse in the middle of your workday, just to say “I miss you.”

I respect you!

Respect is another way of showing love. Respect conveys the feeling that another person is a true equal. If you talk to your children as if they were adults you will strengthen the bonds and become close friends. This applies to all interpersonal relationships.

Maybe you’re right!

This phrase is highly effective in diffusing an argument and restoring frayed emotions. The flip side to “maybe your right” is the humility of admitting, “Maybe I’m wrong”. Let’s face it. When you have a heated argument with someone, all you do is cement the other person’s point of view. They, or you, will not change their stance and you run the risk of seriously damaging the relationship between you. Saying “maybe you’re right” can open the door to further explore the subject, in which you may then have the opportunity to get your view across in a more rational manner.

Please forgive me!

Many broken relationships could be restored and healed if people would admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. All of us are vulnerable to faults, foibles and failures. A man should never be ashamed to own up that he has been in the wrong, which is saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.

I thank you!

Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy. People who enjoy the companionship of good, close friends are those who don’t take daily courtesies for granted. They are quick to thank their friends for their many expressions of kindness.  On the other hand, people whose circle of friends is severely constricted often do not have the attitude of gratitude.

Let me help!

The best of friends see a need and try to fill it. When they spot a hurt they do what they can to heal it. Without being asked, they pitch in and help.

I understand you!

People become closer and enjoy each other more if they feel the other person accepts and understands them. Letting your spouse know in so many little ways that you understand them is one of the most powerful tools for healing your relationship. This applies to any relationship.

I love you!

Perhaps the most important three words that you can say. Telling someone that you truly love them, satisfies a person’s deepest emotional needs; the need to belong, to feel appreciated and to be wanted. Your family, your friends and you, all need to hear those three little words “I love you”.

You could save a life.

CautionThis article was not verified by any professional doctor; at least I didn’t find any clue of verification. It came to my inbox as a chain-mail. This email is seemed to sketch the primary symptoms of stroke. This article may be valuable for people that’s why I publish it in my blog. If it doesn’t support medical theorem, please let me know, this article will be removed.

Glowing Capsules
STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters… S.T.R.

During a party, a friend stumbled and took a little fall – she assured everyone that she was fine and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes (they offered to call ambulance). They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food – while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid’s husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital – (at 6:00pm , Ingrid passed away).

She had suffered a stroke at the party . Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don’t die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this…


A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke…totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Remember the “3” steps, STR . Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions :

* S * Ask the individual to SMILE .
* T * ask the victim to TALK. Ask the person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (eg “It is sunny out today”).
* R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS .

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call the ambulance and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

NOTE : Another ‘sign’ of a stroke is
1. Ask the person to ‘stick’ out their tongue.
2. If the tongue is ‘crooked’, if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.

Make the dream true.

By now everybody is aware that Cox’s Bazaar and Shundorbon are holding the first two places in the recent list of Natural 7 Wonders, competing with the world’s famous places for the last one month. All credit goes to the Bangladeshis who are aware of it and making others aware of it. I heard that even personally some people distributing flyers and handbills for this voting purpose. All initiatives are taking personally till now.


What amazed me most that no company or political party in Bangladesh is seems to be aware of it. Because I never heard any political leader or corporate executive told a simple word about this issue. For the past few years, the advertising media of Bangladesh has been developed a lot. And for this improvement mainly the mobile phone operators worked as catalysts. They have broadcasted so many enthusiastic ads featuring Bangladesh both in tele-media and print-media. Where are they now!

I don’t feel that our political leaders are intellectual enough to put emphasis in this issue (as it is not their power related). Personal attempts are making the Natural 7 Wonders voting process vigorous at this moment, it obviously has limitations in wider range. It is not possible to spread the news for casting votes in each n’ every corner of Bangladesh personally. But this can be done by the Tele-media. The corporates can make lucrative propaganda for making the awareness. In past years, they have made really some patriotic ads. Why don’t they do it now?

India composed a full song dedicated to Tajmohol for making it one of the 7 wonders of world. That song was composed by A. R. Rahman, which influence people more to cast vote for Tajmohol. Why can’t we do something like that! Cox’s Bazaar and Shundorbon are our assets and it is our obligation to bring fame for them. Please, various TV channels, newspapers and corporates are earnestly requested to help our country to exhibit her glory. It is our Bangladesh… it is our pride.

Voter List is in Web

For the first time Bangladesh Election Commission has published a web site containing the complete list of all voters of the country. Any one can access the site through internet. To access the information one has to provide the 17 digits PIN (printed in the back of the slip which was given after taking photograph), birth information (format has been given) and a verification code (printed on below). Take a look on the screen shot I’ve given below.

Main disappointment is there is no link of this site in the Bangladesh Election Commission’s website. As BEC is manipulating this process it is common sense that there should be a link to the Voter List site. Another drawback is that if any information is incorrect then there is no option to make it correct, except a text field which is used for Comments purpose. Probably they put the box to get message from the user for any inconvenience or mistakes. In my case, I saw some severe mistakes and I used the Comment Box to send them feedback about the mistakes. But it has been more than 10 days that I saw the informations were unmodified. I still don’t know how to resolve this.

The bright side is, the whole site is build in Bangla Language. So people will feel comfort to use the site. They also provide the Bangla font that will be required to view the page. Overall Bangladesh is advanced to the recent technical world another step. Hope the site developers will take necessary steps to make the site more matured by giving the users option to make correction in their information. Whatever this is, it is indeed a great job!

LabAid Cardiac Hospital – Reality Bites!

Today while I was surfing the WORDPRESS tags (which I often do), I found several post regarding LabAid under the tag Bangladesh. And all of them indicating the dark side of LabAid. That made me curious, why on earth people abhoring LabAid so much. I personally didn’t get any chance to be acquaintanced with LabAid, so I had no idea what services actually they served. For those who don’t have any idea about LabAid, it is a cardiac hospital in Bangladesh. On television they broadcast an aesthetic advertise which surely convince any patient enough to get admitted to LabAid. Watching that ad on TV anyone can be persuaded that LabAid is the #1 cardiac hospital in Bangladesh. But the articles posted in WORDPRESS, redefined LabAid from a completely new angle. They take more than a handsome amount of money as their SERVICE charge, but if it is their SERVICE then where the word HUMANITY will hide itself?

To read the full article please click here. To read posts on other blogs of WORDPRESS regarding LabAid click here.


Tips for a Better Life

Little tips in life sometimes makes us happy. They even make our life better. What is Life? Hard to define. But all of our dream is to lead a happy life. If little tricks makes our life more enjoyable why should not we follow that! And if you want to follow any, why don’t you try this Tips-n’-Tricks feature. This article was actually published in LIFEHACK.ORG. Hope it will work in your life. Enjoy the article.

  1. Understand what it is that will make you happy. Everyone has unique requirements for attaining happiness and what makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy. Revel in your individuality and do not worry about whether or not your desires are comparable to those of your peers.
  2. Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy. Your mood will very likely increase as your pursue your goal because you will feel better about yourself for going after something you value.
  3. Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. Conversely, if you are around people who are happy their emotional state will be infectious.
  4. When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of wallowing in self pity. Truly happy people don’t allow set backs to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.
  5. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continued happiness.
  6. It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance you will be subconsciously putting yourself in a better mood.
  7. Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. While there are times that require you to be serious, when it is appropriate, find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you unhappy.
  8. Maintaining your health is another way to achieve happiness. Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood. Additionally, exercise has been known to release endorphins that give you a feeling of happiness.
  9. Finally, it is important to understand that you deserve happiness. Those who believe that they are not worthy of happiness may subconsciously sabotage their efforts to achieve happiness. If necessary, tell yourself each day that you deserve to be happy and remind yourself what steps you will take to achieve the happiness you desire.