I first visited netherlands when I was 5 years old. After 19 years I am in this country again. As I’ve said in earlier post, I was admitted in TU Delft for MSc. And that’s the reason why I am in Netherlands. Yes, I am already in the Netherlands. I flew by British Airways last thursday (August 21) from Bangladesh and now writing this article from The Netherlands! Well… now I am in Europe.
For the first time I made my journey in air. I’ve travelled by roads, rivers and seas, but never been to sky before. That’s why I was so excited about the journey. Luckily I got the seat beside the window. And got a chance to observe the earth from a bird’s eye view. This world really looks nice from the above. All the cities and buildings are seemed like the architectural models that we see in any exibition.
So far I’ve travelled in Holland, it is a nice country. It has a tremendous natural beauty. I am staying in the Hague. And I’ve never seen any city which is occupied by so much trees. The whole country is green. It has a chilly weather and maximam time I found the weather is cloudy. A little bit drizzle is a common phenomena. Another remarkable thing is the cycle. Everybody is riding cycles. There is even a separate path for cycling. And ofcourse for the first time of my life I am seeing all the european brand cars like Ferrari, Porshe, Audi, BMW, Mini Cooper, Citroen, Mercedes Benz and lots of them.
Just day before my depurture from Bangladesh one of my students just mailed me that he has written something about me in his blog and invited me to read that article. Well… that part was really touching. I never thought I would be someone’s favorite teacher. First of all I was a newbie in teaching profession and second of all I don’t have any favorite teacher in my life. Thanks to Asif (who wrote the post) for choosing me as his favorite teacher.
Enjoy your stay in Europe. Don’t forget to visit Koekenhof in Lisse next summer, enjoy the picturesque villages of the Netherlands or the port cities like Ijmuiden and when you cross the border to Germany you will realize that its a lot greener.
I heard you were leaving, but haven't thought it to be this quick!
Enjoy the stay, be well
Salaam sir, I was waiting for this post. Nice to know you've reached safe and sound, and loving it there. I had seen some documentaries on The Netherlands before, a big issue over there, as far as I remember, is flood control. There are many jaw dropping technologies over there which the engineers have developed to keep the flood waters under control. I'm sure you'll explore the country and keep your blog updated. Take care. and remember to post some photos.
Hope you enjoyed your first ever journey by air & you will adopt the weather and life in Netherlands very soon.
In pointing asif's article,I think the main intention of a teacher is to get a good response from his students.Actually you are too much co-operative,friendly & also encouraging & almost serious about your lectures.That's why i missed you as a lecturer of EEE-301 as you were with us in CSE-223 & EEE-225[Very much enjoyed them also].Though you were not our lecturer,i dont know why i always found a chance to take help from you[though our lecturer was very much friendly,unlike others]& also had got it.Your helpful references helped us very much.What qualifications are needed to be a favorite teacher of someone?nothing else,you have all of them,all of them.
@ Rafi
Yeap… it is little bit earlier! Thanks for the wishes…By the way when are you leaving?
@ Rezwan
I'll try my best… Thanks for the tip, waiting for more of them…
@ Asif
Check out my bangla blog for more details. I'll post them soon… And I am thinking of another photoblog for my photos.
@ Shorif
Thank you… don't know what to say… but… thanks a lot!!
All the best Adnan. Hope u will come back to BD after completing your Masters and PHD and will do something’s for our nation.