Well… it seems, my career chapter as a university faculty is going to be ended very soon. And I am returning to student life again. For the last few days I was really busy with my admission process in TU Delft for MSc studies. It was really a cumbersome job, to process the visa. Apart of that, this semester in AUST, I conducted the course Linear systems; one of the toughest course in entire bachelor degree of electrical and electronic engineering. It was arduous but I enjoyed it! Most probably I’ve spent my busiest month ever!
Back to the student life
I am returning to my student life, once again! After graduating from IUT, I thought my student life was over. But fate build my career as a teacher (the profession I’d never liked). As a result literally I was not a student but actually it was completely opposite. Every teacher is actually a student! I had to prepare myself for each and every classes (and the preparation was painful than my student life). So though I was addressed as a teacher but I was in fact a student. As a teacher I actually lived a life of a student!
Now as I am going to the Netherlands for higher studies, I have to kept away my current profession and going to the TU Delft as a student. According to the Times Higher Education TU Delft placed the 17th position among all the universities of the world in 2007. Not a bad university at all! I’ve to reach there before September 1st. I am already working on it. So keep me in your prayer for my success.
VISA Processing
Not a cumbersome job in real sense; if you’ve all the necessary papers properly. So here is the point – the necessary papers. In my case I didn’t actually know what are the actual papers. Thats why it took me a whole month to process it. Once you figured it out, then the whole process will be smooth. My advice regarding the visa is always make the list of necessary documents clear from the ambessy.
The Preparation
I am quite busy with shopping right now. My friend Fahim makes my preparation easier. He made a list of necessary stuffs that one should packed while travelling. That list makes the preparation simpler. Though he missed some essential commodities, but over all it is mervellous list for anyone who is travelling to other countries from BAngladesh for the first time. I wish to make that list more details in next year inshallah.
Leaving AUST
I wanted to go Netherland on study leave from AUST. But AUST admin didnot accept my leave letter. Rather they insisted me to resign. They said the leave would be against the rule. And in the last few days, AUST acted that I was actually nobody and did nothing for AUST. It was a shock for me! I don’t actually bother about my job in AUST. But right now I am very much dissapointed with this job. I am trying to resign as soon as possible. Hopefully this week I’ll break up with AUST. Apart of this I will miss my best colleague Shorif Bhai. We joined together in AUST and we shared one room in faculty area. His friendly attitude always forces me to forget that he is senior to me by almost 2 years. I’ll really miss him very very much. After returning Bangladesh if I ever visit AUST it would be for him only and nothing else (if he’ll still be there).
i have been greatly shocked to hear that AUST didnot accept your on leave for higher studies application.Actually we all know about such administration of our varsity.
By the way,Hope you all the best again….I hope you will always be touched through you blog.Have a great journey !!!
Dont forget us.
@ Shorif
Yeah… it was a great shock for me. I didn't realize that they wouldn't consider me for the leave. Well whatever it is… it is done!
Wish you good luck!
Always look forward,don't repent for the past.
Future is our dream, past is our strength.
@ Bdoza
Thanks for your inspiration!
Good luck, but remember you'll have many challanges in the Western country. I know I did when I first came to America.
Great News! Really Happy for you. Best of luck with new life and studies!!
Lipna http://www.ghashforing.com
@ Aj @ Lipna
Thank you both for wishing me…