It’s been a long while since I changed/upgraded the theme of this site. It’s been almost four years that I was using the Twenty Eleven theme for my blog. I modified the theme a bit. I was quite happy with that theme. That theme was full of widgets! Yes… there was a time when I loved to display lots of widgets in my sidebars and footers. But the taste began to change (may be I am growing old). The minimal and clean designs started to appeal to me. I was looking for a new theme for the last couple of months. No doubt to say that, WordPress has some real great themes in their repository, but somehow they failed to attract me. And then came the Twenty Fifteen with the upgrade of WordPress 4.1.
“This is exactly what I want” – came to my mind when I first look at Twenty Fifteen. It is a theme that shows my content clean and clear, without any distractions with different colors. The more important thing is, it works across different devices. The three things I loved about this theme are its’ responsive layout, separate social links and beautiful menu description. Its’ simple, straightforward typography is readable on a wide variety of screen sizes, and suitable for multiple languages.
But I faced a minor problem after installing it. As you can see, I am using Disqus for the commenting system. Twenty Fifteen got a hiccup with Disqus, though it can easily be resolved. Apart from that, I am enjoying a smooth sailing with the new theme. Everything of this theme is so perfect for me, that I didn’t bother to modify the theme.
I’m really enjoy this thame too!