It seems that my appearance in this blog becomes weekly. Actually I am spending very busy days right now. That’s why I seldom get the chance to write in my blog here. I hope within a short time I’ll be regular again.
The heading of this post sounds little bit stupid, isn’t it? A rainy day in the rainy season – what a nonsense! It rains in rainy season – we all know that. Well I didn’t mean that. for the last several years I didn’t find it raining that much which is usual in rainy season. Those years it rained hardly, most of the ays were dry and shiny. So when I found that this year the rainy season appears in its’ actual image, I found it very emotional. It reminds me my childhood days.
I was brought up in a colony life in Chittagong. In the rainy season, the whole colony was submerged if heavy rainfall occurred. Then we at that time spending our time by floating paper boats on the water. Sometimes we used to play football on that water. That was an unforgettable experience, we were kicking the football which was floating on the water and one couldn’t make the actual kick out of the ball. What a life was that. And sometimes we just jiggled in the water for nothing! I missed those days…
And I enjoy this season. One of the main reason for that is I was born in this season, actually the first day of this season in Bangla calendar. That makes the date 1st day of the Bangla month Aashar. 1st of Aashar, my birthday.
I also grew up in Chittagong…I remember those old days when it used to rain heavily….and my mom would make khichuri…or we will get some shingara and drink to tea…listen to Rabidra Songit….read some novels….it's awesome….you just reminded me those amazing days
ya…the same moments frm my side too…in Maharashtra…
The rainy day in Bangladesh is really lovely, excepting the bad situation of outside, jolaboddhota!
Anyway, the post was good indeed.
A. I. Sajib
Another thing, your title doesn't sound nonsense. It's cool! really
vary beautiful and nice i love it …
so cool
such a lovely picture. u have a very good taste
nice picture
beautiful scene u have done wonderful job.
indeed a great job sir 4 taking us all on a trip 2 our childhood days……………thnx
i have read out, seems you really like rain and rainy season,
And photographs is really nice, i also like too much this season and like more to walk in the rain, and late happy birthday to you. Thanks
the picture reminds me of my own neighbourhood walkways on a rainy summer day. Your reference of paper boats, monsoon seasons & rainy days reminded me of my own childhood in bits & peices scattered across the world.
it's a fitting title for your post rather =)
your post is great, the title is also befitting
. . it seems I could not leave a comment without being part of wordpress or something of that sort. but it did get me started to write again ..
. . anyhow, may I steal the picture you have in this post? =D. . I ask for permission when it is possible.
Nice picture!