In the new campus of AUST I’ve gotten my new office room. As a faculty member of Dept. of EEE it was assumed that unlike the previous campus, we’ll got our rooms. As due to lack of facilities, previous campus was unable to provide most of us a room (even a chair and table). We were glad that those terrible experiences are not returned in this new campus. Actually I didn’t get a whole room rather an one third of a room. I’ve to share my room with two other faculty members (Shariful Islam and Biplob Kumar Das), but whatever it is, I’ve gotten my own table and chair!
I know it is childish, but can’t wait to share the fresh pics of my new office room with my readers. The room is literally neat and clean, as we have not decorated it yet! So here goes the couple of first day first show snapshots
I think your new room is pretty hot (sunny). Well, what do you do?