I am feeling like a busy bee. Life suddenly becomes busier now a days. It is the end of the Fall 2007 semester in AUST and the preparatory leave for the students to prepare themselves for the upcoming semester final has been started. all the teachers are doing actually nothing in this leave. But my fate is somewhat different! I got the job of planning the class schedule for the next semester (Spring 2008) for EEE department. Planning the class schedule of EEE department of AUST is considered the most cumbersome job. Because of the large body of both students and faculties. Moreover, next semester AUST is going to it’s permanent campus in Tejgaon. And in new building, EEE department is deprived of sufficient number of rooms. Yeah, I used the word DEPRIVE. Because ever since I joined in AUST, I saw that EEE department is not treated as it should be like other departments. New phenomena is Class room shortage in new building. AUST may provide only 8 (or less) rooms for the upcoming semester to EEE department to accommodate approximately 1200 students! I don’t know how I’ll finish the schedule. If the schedule is finished somehow students’ll not get rest between the classes or labs. It’s gonna be a tight schedule for the EEE department in the Spring 2008!

And offcourse thanks to Ahmed bhai who’ve helped me very much in setting question papers for the awaiting exam. Next semester some of our colleagues will leave AUST. Already Assistant professor Rafiul Hossain has left AUST for UIU. He is really one of the fewest people who are expert in VLSI. Two of our lecturers Ms. Sadia Moriam and Mr. Ziaur Rahman will leave AUST at the end of this February. Another lecturer Mrs. Nazia Farha will take leave for the next whole semester. I’ll really miss them.
for the third time