Tomorrow is the last day of FALL 2007 semester of AUST in its’ temporary campus. From the April 19, it will begin its’ journey in its permanent campus with starting of SPRING 2008 semester. The temporary campus is nothing in comparison with the highly enthusiastic permanent campus. The new one is lucrative as well as vast. But for the last one and half year all my memories were wrapped with the old one. Its’ very difficult to slash the relationship with oldie. May be after some span of time the oldie will be forgotten. But it surely needs time.
Now the obvious question is how much the new campus is ready for starting a new semester on the coming Saturday? Well to be frankly, it is not ready yet. All the laboratory has not been yet completed. The wiring system is a vital issue for all the Electrical related Labs. And our labs are lack of that. Also the class rooms are not well equipped. We’ve a simulation lab in papers not physically. How the students of simulation lab will pursue their lab experiments? To make it worse, all the cleaners are gone on strike! I don’t know how the authority thinks they can make it possible to start on April 19. Another problem that all the faculties, staffs and students will face is the transportation problem. Who have their own transport they can manage to attend the varsity but they are few in numbers. Majority of them who use the public transport system, will be in utmost trouble. Because there is still no public transportation route which will lead to the new campus safe and sound. More over as the campus is in some industrial area no taxi is available there. Authority must take these issue into their account and solve it immediately.

For the last two months I was working on the class routine for the upcoming semester. Alhamdulillah, I’ve finished it with help of Minhaz Bhaia and Kaiser. Making a routine for EEE department in AUST is always a cumbersome task. This time a massive amount of students, scarcity of class rooms, highest number of faculties and a totally new campus made the job more perplexed. But some how it has been done! Previously the routine was published in the notice board of the department. But this time due to a campus-shifting situation it has been decided to publish it in the new campus, but where in the new campus… that is undecided. This situation makes me to publish the class routine in my official site. Any one can download the routine from there. For AUST students who’ve collected it, please inform others to collect it.
To view the class routine of Spring 2008 semester please click HERE.
To download the full version of the class routine please visit my OFFICIAL SITE.