Category: Festival
Category Archives for Festival
February 21…
Within the last several years this is the first time I am missing the Book Fair in Dhaka… and I am really missing that fair. To be frankly, this is the only fair that allured me. The fascinating well gournished book stalls, the smell of newly publish books, exploring the fair with friends and family… all of those I am terribly missing.

And today is February 21… The International Mother Language Day. A memorable day in the history of Bangladesh. It is the 57th anniversary of “Ekushey February” this year. Within this span of time has acquire its own place in online. The number of Bangladeshi bloggers as well as Bangla blogs are increasing day by day. People are now writing their blogs in Bangla. All of these happen because of sacrifices of some great people in 1952. My gratitude to those who sacrificed their lives for establishing Bangla Language on 1952 and to the all languages of this world. Each language is like a soul which has its own fascinating beauty.
Everything can change, but not the language that we carry inside us, like a world more exclusive and final than one’s mother’s womb.
Happy New Year 2009!
Eid Mubarak!
Eid Mubarak to everybody. Well… this time Eid is not that much of fun for me. I am away from my family and friends. I am going to celebrate Eid tomorrow in another country far away from my home in a totally new environment! I am terribly missing my home, my family and my friends. I am missing my Dhaka… I am missing the get together of my friends at Dhanmondi Lake… missing my mom’s Eid dishes… missing the Eid salaat with my papa in Dhanmondi Eidgah… missing my little sister… it seems that I am missing everything! But well… this is the life!
Once again… Eid Mubarak to all of my readers! May you enjoy this Eid with your family.
শুভ নববর্ষ ১৪১৫
নিশি অবসান প্রায় ঐ পুরাতন বর্ষ হয় গত
আমি আজি ধূলিতলে জীর্ণ জীবন করিলাম নত ।।
বন্ধু হও শত্রু হও যেখানে যে রও
ক্ষমা কর আজিকার মত
পুরাতন বরষের সাথে পুরাতন অপরাধ যত।।
-রবি ঠাকুর
সবাইকে নববর্ষের শুভেচ্ছা… শুভ পহেলা বৈশাখ ১৪১৫।।
We Salute You…
Once you’ve brought our freedom, you gave us a country, you made us proud for being a Bangladeshi. Some people opposed you, but you were men of steel who had nothing to loose except this country. Those opposer’s dream never came true because of you. You gave up all for us. You are our hero. You are the freedom fighters of 1971.

But what do we do for you? Nothing. We know you did not fought for fame or debauchery life. But you deserved that. You were like the kings at that time. You could demand any thing. But you did not. What did we give you in return? We could not give you the respect you deserved. The opposers of the 71’s war (Raazakaars) are letting to do what they want freely. We let them to carry the Red n’ Green flag of your dream country on their cars. We elected them as our political leader.
Can’t you again raise up your hand shouting “Joy Bangla”? Can’t you lead us to defeat the raazakaars? Can’t we start to build your country of dream where no political clashes will be occurred? Cant’ we just dump our so called political leaders who think of themselves than our country? Ain’t we enough for our Bangladesh? Can’t we make a fresh vow in this Independence Day?
It is never too late.
Ekushey Boi Mela 2008
Today I went to Bangla Academy Boimela. For the last two weeks I just sorted out a list of books that has to be bought from the fair. As usual my sister helped me in that case. I felt the same emotion that I felt every year in boimela when I entered the entrance gate. All the publishing houses were colored with colorful covers of new as well as old books. It was just like a festival, a festival of books. All the renowned publishing houses were crowded with people as they publishes most of the books written by popular writers. I am one of the fan of Muhammad Zafar Iqbal. And as usual I bought his latest sci-fi and teen-adventure books. I’ve been searching for some old but appealing books that I’ve searched in many places. This time in Bishwashahittya Kendro, I got three of them. These are “Jokey’r Dhon” by Hemendra, “Chadey’r Pahaar” by Bivutybhushon and a story collection of Porshuram.

Unlike other years, Dipu was not with me this year in Boi Mela. Last several years, we just spent hours after hours in Boimela by just comparing the books. Dipu has a good taste in transliterated books. Some times we just bought books by seeing it’s front and rear cover. If we didn’t like the book then we just blaming the author for such a book !
I was disappointed by the UNMAD stall. UNMAD is a cartoon magazine like MAD. Every year they brought some really hilarious funny posters and stickers which were sold like hot cakes. But today I didn’t find anything like that in their stall except some copies of their magazine issues.
What ever, I don’t have so much time to write this post, because more than fifteen fresh books are waiting for me. And I can assure that for a few dayz, I’ll not be available in my blog for the same purpose.