Last year, on October 19, I started this blog, more precisely I published my first post in this blog. At that time I started this blog whimsically, I had no idea whether I can continue it or not. I started it as an experiment for just to know how it is felt to have a personal blog. But after a year later I’ve to admit that blogging is fun. Specially it is more delightful when I got comments in my posts. Publishing a post and getting comments on it is just more than fun!
Within this 12 months my visitors has been increased in surprising rate. In the first month I’ve only 220 hits in my blog while this number is 2500 (average) per month now a days which concludes a total visitors of more than 30000! Yeah… its a huge number for me which I did not expect during the starting days of this blog. Thanks to all of my reader for having with me and commenting my posts in these days.
These days I am too busy with other stuffs which keep me away from my blog. That’s why I am not available here frequently! But I hope to back in blogosphere with my frequent appearance soon.
Thanks to all of my readers and commentors again for influencing me to keep this blog alive.
Happy Birthday to your blog!! keep it up.
nice blog man. keep it up
hey congratulations… my brother's birthday is also on 19th
@Asif @Robin @Irtiza
Thanks for the wishings!!
porashuna bad die BLOG er birthday palon koro……
yeah,its a great achievement !!! congrats !!!!
A very special Happy Birth Day to you… wish you a long life…