A year after opening Coppin State University’s first nano technology research center, a Bangladeshi scientist and his research team are making history for simulating the most efficient solar energy cells in the world. Dr. Jamal Uddin, a Bangladeshi scientist, who is also a professor at Coppin State University, have modeled nearly four percent more efficient solar cells than Spectrolab, with his five undergraduate student researchers. Before his innovation, Spectrolab held the title for most cells simulated since 2006.
Coppin’s research includes creating cells that act as rechargeable batteries for night vision goggles used by soldiers at war. As of today, Coppin’s group has simulated 43.4 percent of solar cells for reusable energy. Dr. Uddin mentioned that his team utilized the metaphysics software COMSOL and the online software program PC1D to break the world record. He also said,
It is really fantastic and encouraging for our university to achieve such exciting results. It was a surprising discovery and now we are excited to proceed with further research in nanotechnology
Dr. Jamal Uddin and five additional student researchers will continue nanotech simulation with the hope of manipulating 50 percent of solar cells by December 2010. The university’s one-year-old Nanotechnology Research Center is a product of the $89,000 Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) grant the school received July 2009. On Tuesday, October 26, 2010, the Coppin research team will present their findings to renowned nanotech scientists, scholars and visitors in the army research lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Dr. Jamal Uddin completed his M.Sc. in Chemistry from Dhaka University, Bangladesh and achieved his Ph.D from Osaka University, Japan.
The above information is taken from the press release of Coppin State University.
Official website of Dr. Jamal Uddin.
খবরটা জেনে খুব ভালো লাগল। শেয়ার করার জন্য অনেক ধন্যবাদ। শুভেচ্ছা:)
নিজের দেশের লোকদের কীর্তি দেখলে বুকটা গর্বে ভরে যায়!
আহা…অনেক ভাল্লাগলো!!
শেয়ার দিলাম।
any follow-up of this news? Would love to hear what happened in 2011