Previously I had two websites; one is personal and another one is official. As I am a faculty of AUST, I used the second one to interact with my students. Those two sites were created with the built in templates and features of Google Pages. Those sites surely have some limitations, as Google Pages doesn’t allow to edit their templates. So those two never got a chance to have professional looks. Rather they looks like some novices’ creation. I was very much inclined to update them so that they looks professional and cool.
I’ve just developed my personal site. And hosted them with a nick of MAQTANIM. Well… who know me in web world they already knew that MAQTANIM is my only favorite nick. Many were surprised why did not I published my earlier websites with the nick MAQTANIM. I used to tell them that those sites were in experimental mode; when I would get time I would publish my own personal site with that famous nick. And I did it! I’ve published my personal site which has a professional outfit and my famous nick! Click here to visit my newly published personal site. This link used the URL redirection. Originally [without URL redirection] it is hosted in my Google Pages account. You can visit the site directly there. And don’t forget to comment in my guest book.

And I also developed another site which will work as a portal between all my sites in web. Because I find it really fascinating to have a gateway for all of my creation. So anyone through only one site can reach me. So here is my new web portal MAQweb. You’ll find all of my sites name (including the oldies) in the right navigation panel. I couldn’t deducted the oldies as they inspired me to express myself in the world wide web. You’ll find them also in the navigation panel. Just remember one site and get in touch of all of my sites!