Tag: Bush
Funny pics from Doyel
I received an email from Doyel containing two pictures which states “what would be the effect if USA lost the Iraq-war“. And I am sharing them with my readers. It seems that my blog is gonna be transformed in to an Anti-Bush campaign! Doyel was my colleague in AUST, who is now working in RanksTel. Hope you like the pictures. Click the thumbnails to enlarge the pictures.
Flowchart of G. W. Bush!
For those who doesn’t know what a flow chart is – “it is a graphic representation of the stages in a process or system or the steps required to solve a problem“. This object is apparently used in programming language to explain the problem solving logic. The following flow chart depicts the problem solving flow chart for George W. Bush. Enjoy!

You hate George W. Bush? Then you’ll like these cartoons.
[rockyou id=96170377&w=450&h=338]