Well I’ve never heard of it earlier. But it exists! it is Blog Day. A complete day for blogging. And the day is today, August 31,2008. Well… this day obviously has some themes. This day inspires all the bloggers to have one day dedicated to get knowing other blogs and bloggers from around the world. Also on that day Bloggers will recommend other blogs to their blog visitors.
So according to the Blog Day manifesto, here are blogs that I am recommending to visit to my readers.
The 3rd World View: Rezwan is the author of this blog who is a Bangladeshi living in Germany. It is Rezwan’s personal blog where he discusses almost everything.
Bangladesh: Ak Jatra, Amar Jatra: This blog is about Bangladesh. The interesting fact is that this blog is written by an American. If you want to see Bangladesh through the eyes of a foreigner then this is the perfect place for you.
|=Dead End=|: Ishmeets’ personal blog. Ishmeet lives in India. I liked this blog because of his writing styles… it’s full of humor.
Smells of My Life: My little sisters’ blog. Well… I am just promoting here so that she can get more comments in her blog. She is 14 years old. She created blog because of me and now loosing interest as she is not getting any comment!
আবজাব: এটা আমার বাংলা ব্লগ। পুরো ব্লগটা বাংলায় লেখা । কেন যে এই ব্লগ তৈরি করলাম এখনো ঠিকমত জানিনা। ইচ্ছে হলে ঘুরে দেখতে পারেন। না ঘুরলে ও সমস্যা নাই।
This list is not the last. My favorite blogs are not confined to the above five! You can also visit the following blogsites;
Eamon here: My university friend Eamons’ diary, where he depicts his daily events.
Kingkong: This entire blog is written in Bangla. Fahim has a fluent humorous writing style.
Lipna’s World: A Bangladeshis blog who is currently living in USA.
Netty Gritty: Sanjida’s blog featuring blogging tips, wordpress tricks, web tools, web resources, interesting media and much much more!
Rumana’s Weblog: Another Bangladeshi living in USA.
I Am Asif: Asif- my former students’ blog.
Experience, thoughts, mind’s eye: My another former student Shorifs’ Blog
Life, love, gadgets and the rest: My friend Rafis’ blog about his life and much more.
And you can also visit other blogs that are displayed in the left side bar of my blog. For more information on Blog Day 2008, please click the following image.
I'm not listed
Thanks much for the kind mention. I am not roaming blogosphere too often nowadays. Got a really busy and satisfying real life.
Best of luck with your blog, deshi dude!
Wow!! I didn't know about this
thanks for the info.
Btw, thanks a lot for potong my blog name