My blog is just 100 posts old. This is my 100th post in my blog. You may have noticed that there is a hit counter which shows the counts from October 2007. In that sense within six months, I’ve published my 100th post. The expert bloggers will surely sneer at this; 100 posts in 6 months, almost 16 posts per month, what so special? Yeap… there is obvious some specialty. When I first started this blog, I thought it would take minimum a year to reach the 100th post [for my reader’s information who does not know me well… I am very much lazy ] because I was very much confused what would I write in my blog? But now whatever I’ve written in my blog whether they are good
or junk, I’ve just made the century!
And I am thanking my readers for swallowing those junks of my blog and encouraged me by commenting. And of course thanks to the Almighty Allah for giving me the strength to carry out this blog so far.
I hope in future, my readers will be attached with my blog with their valuable comments as usual or just by visiting (which actually keeps my hit counter busy ).
was it your long cherished plan to complete 100th post in this bengali new year day?
শুভ নববর্ষ ।
Congratulations!!!U r maintaining such a enjoyable blog,keep it up…