It’s been a while I’ve been tagged! Well… it’s not entirely true though. I’ve been tagged by Faisal in one of his post a few months back. But for the extra-busy-life-with-thesis-hanging-on-my-neck I couldn’t complete the ‘tagging’ at that time. Despite of my unfinished tagging job, he has done it again! This time, he has also awarded me with a beautiful “Sunshine Award”! I don’t know what does this award stand for or whether I’ll be called Mr. Sunshine, but, after all it is an award and someone awarded me. Actually this is the first time anyone awarded me with an award as a blogger. So it is special to me! Thanks a lot Faisal. Here goes the sweet Award.
Continue reading Tag Post: My Favourites
Tag: Questions
5 Things: Its’ a Tag!
I’ve never been into a TAG or Tagged any one. But … well… now I am starting one . There is only one rule: All the readers who’re reading or commenting this post, all have been tagged!
. Don’t forget to answer the questions in your own blog.
5 things I hate the most
- Chemistry. When my 1st year in IUT was over I was so happy that along with other friends I burned all our chemistry class notes! That was my last day of studing chemistry in my life!
- Romantic novels. Well.. I know it is pretty shocking, a boy like me is abominating the romantic novels? I know what you are thinking… I must have been broke up!
For your kind information I never had a girlfriend in my entire life!
- Smokers. Can’t tolerate smoking.
Hate it!
- Razakars. They were the war criminals of 1971 liberation war, who killed one of my Grand Father for supporting Bangladesh.
- Hot drinks like tea or coffee. Astonished? I’ve nothing to do, but I really don’t like those.
5 things I want the most
- To buy a Porsche Carrera. This is my child hood dream and I am still confident about it.
- To built a Bungalow along side a the sea beach.
- To be the most famous man in the living history of the world.
- To work in NASA! I know it’s a ridiculous thought, but … hey nothing is impossible!
- To make Bangladesh wealthy and proud. Can’t guarantee … I myself don’t know whether it is possible!