Ever thought what would be the world look like if there is no engineers? Just look the following pictures and find out the answers yourself. To see the actual size, please click the thumbnails.
Tag: Pictures
Pics from Sadia Aapu: George Boole's Home
Today I received an email from Sadia Aapu (one of my colleagues in AUST). She sent me some picture of Cork City (Ireland) where she is currently staying. Among those she sent me some pictures of George Boole‘s house which is happened to be in neighborhood of her house. Boole is famous for inventing the Boolean Algebra which is the master key of all the digital logics applying today’s electronic and computer technology. I am sharing those pictures with my readers.
Beijing Olympics 2008 craze in China
Now a days China is very much fascinated with Beijing Olympics 2008. See some pictures of the Olympics Fever from China.
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