A new Islamic website is making its’ way in the web world. Title of this site is SIRATUL MUSTAQIM which means “The Straight Path”. This site is intended to inform people about the life style in the light of Quran and Sunnah. The whole site is in Bangla. So that may be a problem for those who don’t know Bangla.

One of the developer of this site is my senior in IUT and my present colleague Minhaz Akram. Minhaz bhai worked hard for last couple of months to develop this site. This site has some attractive features like Daily Time Table of Saalat, Electronic Quran, Electronic Hadith etc. This site is still under construction. Many more feature are hoped to add within this month. There is option for the users to ask any islamic question and that question will be answered as soon as possible.
Visit the site and give your feed back there. To visit the site click here. Your constructive comments will help the site to be more resourceful.