Dear Readers,
All of us all ready knew what Sidr actually have done to our country and our people. Over 2000 people were killed. People who had survived, have lost their families and shelter. They are out of food and cloth. Even they don’t have a piece of cloth for wrapping the dead bodies. Schools and Hospitals were blown away. They don’t have enough medical treatment facilities. How can we call it LIVING. It is not so much different from the DEATH. In the past, whenever Bangladesh faced any natural calamities, our people always extended their hands for the help of the victims. Why can’t we do this once again? Why doesn’t Humanity win once again?
For reaching the Sidr victims, I tried to gather information about ways you can help them. I tried to list them all in this post. If I miss any please don’t hesitate to mention that in the Comment Box.
Chief Adviser’s Relief and Welfare Fund
Any one can donate money to this fund to help the victims. You can also donate relief goods here. For more information please visit the site.
Control Room of the Ministry of Food and Disaster Management
If you want to reach the affected areas, you can contact this control room to know which area is deprived from the relief help. For more information visit the site.
International Help Funds
You can also make your donation through the following sites:
National Endeavours
One of the Bangla blogging engine, Somewhere in… blog started a campaign to collect relief funds for the Sidr victims. They named this effort as Jagoron Campaign. This is a sms based help fund. If you send only one SMS from your mobile phone written “save” and send it to 5455 from any Bangladeshi mobile operator then corporate sponsors will add their donation for “save the childen fund relief for Sidr victim people”.
The following process represent the whole process how the Jagoron Campaign works.

Banglalink, one of the mobile operators of Bangladesh, take initiatives to raise funds for the Sidr victims. From any Banglalink mobile phone number, you can send SMS and donate taka ten with every SMS. For this you need to type ‘HELP’ in the messege text and send to 1010. Each time, tk 10/- (vat included) will be cut from the customer’s account and the full money will be donated to the Chief Advisor’s Relief Fund.

Can’t we make a little contribution to any of the above funds? Our little help can make a face enliven. If we don’t help ourselves who’ll be there to help us!